F Moor

HF                  Type  F Moor

Plant litter material with a high or very high CN ratio (oligotrophic or dystrophic) and an acid to very acid soil reaktion and extensively anaerobic conditions for decomposition and humification will lead to peat with disticly and well visibly dead plant residues and a low to extremely low degree of decomposition and humification.

  • Hfn horizon as topsoil is present and
  • typical vegetation of raised bog or transition bog

Raised bog, Latvia, © Gerhard Milbert

Vegetation of a raised bog: peatforming moss, common sundew and European cranberry,  humus form: Oligotrophic F Moor, © Gerhard Milbert



HFD                – Dystrophic F Moor

Soil reaction extremely acid.

  • C/N of the Hfn horizon ≥ 40 and
  • exclusively vegetation of raised bog is present

HFO                – Oligotrophes F-Moor

Soil reaction acid to very acid.

  • C/N of the Hfn horizon 33 – < 40 und
  • Vegetation of raised bog or transition bog ist present

Humus form: Oligotrophic F Moor
© Gerhard Milbert

HFM               – Mesotrophic F-Moor

Soil reaction acid to slight acid

  • C/N of the Hfn horizon 20 – < 33 and
  • Vegetation of transition bog or fen ist present

A spateful peat (Hfn horizon) of a fen
humus form: Mesotrophic F Moor, © Gerhard Milbert